Orgonakoncertek a Bazilikában

may0820:00fridayW. A. Mozart: Requiem - CANCELLED!20:00
St. Stephen's Basilica
Bemutatkozó: with J. S. Bach: Toccata, Air and Fugue in D Minor RÉSZLETEKDETAILS

Event Details


Ildikó Szakács
Zsuzsanna Gion
László Kálmán
Lóránt Najbauer
the ETUNAM Mixed Choir and the Solti Chamber Orchestra
András Virágh


J. S. Bach Toccata, Air and Fugue in D Minor –the great pipe organ of the Basilica

Mozart’s Requiem is one of the most famous and most mysterious compositions in the world. The questions emerge already regarding the birth of the work, the orderer is unknown, the big sick Mozart visions his own death during composing, and indeed: the piece was finished by his favorite disciple, Süssmayer. From the numerous theory, the best-known one is adapted by Milos Forman in his movie Amadeus, in which he convincingly interprets the music life’s intrigues and inner fights, and asks whether the contemporary composer, Salieri would be the secret orderer and the murderer of Mozart at the same time? According to a different theory, the orderer was an aristocrat, who intended to introduce Requiem as his own work, however, obvious proof hasn’t been found yet. Forgetting about hypothesis and legends, the real miracle is the work itself, the timeless tunes of the Requiem have been captives the audience since the 3rd century now. The shocking power of Dies Irae, the calmness of Hostias, and the tearful representations of Lacrymosa still reflect us, the masks are falling, the souls are purifying and liberating. The performers of this programme intend to interpret the message of Mozart’s testament.

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Orgonakoncertek a Bazilikában