Trumpet artist
After finishing the Secondary School of Music in Budapest, he continued his studies at the Music Arts College, where he graduated from at Trumpet Artist. He studied Ancient Music at the Royal Conservatory of Hague in Netherland. His master was: P. Masseurs, S. Williams, Fr. Bruggen, S. Kuijken, J. Ogg. Presently he performs and records CDs as a soloist and chamber musician with a variety of ancient music orchestras. He performs regularly in European countries (such as Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, England) and Israel, Argentina and Brazil.
In 2011 he performed an acclaimed concert and hold a master class in the festival of Campos de Jordao, in Brazil.
Since 1990 he has been recording and performing with the Ancient Music Orchestras Capella Savaria and Concerto Armonico.
In 1989 he is the guest soloist of Edward H. Tarr’s compact disc recording of „The Emperor’s Trumpet” (Editio Christophorus).
Since 1989 as a member of the Pro Arte Serenissima Chamber Orchestra (Italy).
In 2004 he was honored to the Bálint Balassi Memorial Award of the Hungarian Ministry of National Cultural Heritage.